Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Affordable Website Design and Development Company -- Bangalore Web Zone


Bangalore web zone is the top web design company in Bangalore which provides quality web design and development company according to our customer’s needs.  We Complete over 500+ Projects to our Clients. We give top notch effort on websites to satisfy our customers.  Our Team has various experts in all fields to deliver your products with quality 


  • Web Design
  • Web Development 
  • Website Redesign
  • Website Maintenance
  • SEO Services
  • SMO Services
  • Paid Advertisement Services

Bangalore Web Zone
Mobile: +91-95915 05948, Landline: +91-8880102111
Skype: nexevotechnologies
Mail: info@bangalorewebzone.com

Monday, 27 July 2015

Website Design and Redesign Company -- Bangalore Web Zone

Bangalore Web Zone is the leading web design company Headquarter in the Garden City of Bangalore. We delivered over 500+ PROJECTS globally and efficiently to our Customers. Our Team has built-in experience of handling various sources of websites. We prefer quality over quantity of each websites to our clients. We understand our customers keenly to make their website a massive reach to global customers.

Our Services:

  * Website Design
  * Website Re-Design
  * Website Maintenance
  * Website Development
  * E-commerce Web Design
  * E-commerce Web Development
  * Search Engine marketing
  * Digital Marketing
  * Website Tracking Analysis Report
 * Search Engine Optimization

Bangalore Web Zone
Mobile: +91-95915 05948, Landline: +91-8880102111
Skype: nexevotechnologies
Mail: info@bangalorewebzone.com

For More Details Visit My Webpage: http://www.bangalorewebzone.com/

Friday, 24 July 2015

How to find out is your site mobile friendly or not - Website Design Company Bangalore

There is a way where you can find out is your site is responsive or not?

Friends today i am going to discuss with the the most important topic of web presence, Yes I am talking about the mobile friendly website. We have develop everyday new websites and blogs but we don't know that is reliable for every search engine and also for mobile. So Today we know about that
what is responsive type of site and how to check that our site is responsive or not?
Responsive Design is meant only for mobile friendly and quick to response. 

Mobile Friendly webiste checker Tools-- 

In today's on google and other search engines there is lots of mobile friendly website checker tools available but the things is that which tool is most important for us and which tool is reliable. So Google also created a Tool for solving this kind of Problems.

You will then read either: “Awesome! This page is mobile-friendly.”, or “Not mobile friendly”. If your site fails the test, the tool will tell you why. Examples of issues are:
  •     Text too small to read
  •     Mobile viewport not set
  •     Content wider than screen
  •     Links too close together
A number of platforms are recommended by Google for creating new sites, Like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Blogger, Magento, and Google Sites. Google has also created guides for how to make your 

site mobile friendly on all these software platforms – all of which i have written here: 

Google emphasizes the importance of backing up your site before making any changes, ensuring you have had the latest version of your CMS, checking that your themes are mobile friendly, and reading forums related to your CMS to check what common problems fellow users are encountering.

From the admin panel of your CMS, search relevant documentation for terms like “responsive” and “mobile”, and enter the URL of any demo template into the Google mobile-friendly test tool. In addition, it is recommended that you use PageSpeed Insights to check page speed for all devices. Address any problems labelled “should fix”.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Welcome To BangaloreWebZone- Web DeSign and Development Company Bangalore

web design company bangalore
Bangalore Web Zone is the fastest growing IT Company, we are done more than 1000+ projects in worldwide. We have completed many successful websites with static, dynamic, Joomla, WordPress and ecommerce in responsive format - still maintaining 200 active clients in which we have on-going client relationships with. Our portfolio evidently shows for itself.

web development company bangalore

We do the following services :-

                        -> Website designing
-> Website development
-> CMS Development
-> Website Redesigning
-> Ecommerce Development
-> SEO Services
-> SMO Services
-> Website Maintenance Services
-> Payment Gateway Integration
                        -> Digital Media Marketing

Contact Us : 

website design company bangalore

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Website Design and Development Company | Bangalore Web Zone

web design company bangalore

Bangalore Web Zone is a Web Design Company in Bangalore. It’s established in the year 2010 with its Head Office in Bangalore, India. Bangalore Web Zone is a rapidly growing custom development, website design and SEO Services in India as far as globally.

We offer a complete range of Website Design and Development:
web design company bangalore

--> Responsive Web Design
--> WordPress Development
--> Joomla Development
--> DruPal Development
--> Magento Development
--> CMS Website Development
--> E-Commerce Website Development
--> Internet Marketing
--> Web Hosting
--> SEO Services
--> SMO Services
--> PPC Services

More details contact our internet marketing Experts:

web design company bangalore

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Difference between Do follow and No follow Links | Web Design Company Bangalore

web design Company bangalore

As we are mindful of the point that each site needs an extensive number of back connections for the great positioning in output. Bangalore Web Design Company It is a testing occupation for a seo to make great number of do take after back connections from high page rank destinations. I specified here connections as do take after . are you mindful of it ? alright give me a chance to clarify: This article will help you to unmistakably comprehend the fundamental distinction in the middle of dofollow and nofollow backlinks for a site. 

There are two sorts of inbound and outbound connections in particular :
1.       Do follow links
2.       No Follow links

Do follow links: 

Do take after connections are the most imperative back links for the seo perspective. These connections help the site for making back links. as web search tools go to the connection, slither it and they consider it back link. this technique is the most famous system to improve the page rank. internet searchers come and slither all the pivotal words, Images, other things and after that goes to the connection if the connection is found do take after then web index's crawler will take after the connection and arrive on the other website page. (Website Development Company Bangalore)
A few Points for Do take after Links : Web Design Company Bangalore

  • Site gets more remarks
  • Pulls in more guests from the other site
  • Site gets more prevalence step by step
  • Better for seo perspective for upgrading the page rank
  • You will Get Lots of Spammy Comments for your site
  • Takes a Lot of Time to Moderate All of The Comments. 

No Follow links

No take after connections are the connections which is not took after and slithered by the internet searcher's crawler. these connections are overlooked by the crawlers. to make a connection no tail we utilize rel="nofollow" characteristic in the connection structure. These connections are not for internet searchers to slither and not to impact the rank of a web journal or site in the web crawlers. 

A few Points for No take after Links : Web Design Company Bangalore

  •  Spammers won't spam on your web journal
  •  Less time needed to direct remarks
  • just honest to goodness and intrigued guests will post remarks.
  • Less measures of aggregate remarks as guests won't like to remark on your site as the connection will be no take after.
website design company bangalore

Monday, 20 July 2015

Basic On page SEO ranking factors 2015 | Web Design Company Bangalore

web design company bangalore

There are n numbers of On page SEO traps which are being actualized by the specialists for enhancing positioning of a site. By providing the Web design Company Bangalore I have shortlisted some critical strides for you. I have effectively utilized these must do tips on the locales and the yields are magnificent. So If you are a web index analyzer, I expect you are utilizing these rudiments: 

ON PAGE SEO tips for Websites: 

Observe on these most imperative on page Meta labels and Seo tips - 


Keep your site's title length up to 70 characters. Determination of Title ought to be precisely taken. I will prescribe you to pick long tail catchphrases. 

web development company bangalore


Continuously utilize this tag in a brilliant manner with the goal that It turns into the outline of the page. Portrayal labels are in sentences and not more than 150 characters. 


Heading labels are critical for seo perspective. there are six sorts of heading labels and they are h1, h2… ..h6. You simply need to put stand out h1 tag in a page and alternate labels can be more than one yet don't utilize a solitary tag more than five times in a page. 


Smarty use alt labels in a page and i will prescribe you to put hyphens to isolated expressions of a title tag. Like Seo-Company Bangalore. Likewise put title labels on the pictures with legitimate words identified with the photo and decisive words. 

bangalore webdesign company 


The substance on your site ought to be one of a kind and there ought to be fitting pivotal word stuffing in it. I will prescribe to make the length more than 400 words. Albeit in light of the site page sort it can differ as well. 

Fitting INTERNAL-EXTERNAL LINKING: Web development company bangalore

Interior connecting helps clients to keep focused site for quite a while furthermore it is better for SEO perspective as Search motor comprehends that Website pages are all around connected to one another. The External linking(High quality connections) serves to make great notorieties for the web indexes. 


These labels help web index to effectively know the site business area. for the rundown of geo meta labels you can see my post which speaks the truth well known meta labels for a site. 


Include some well-known social symbols your site to make great notoriety of your site in Social Media. Bear in mind to make your site profile on famous Web 2.0 sites. 

bangalore web development company


Attempt to externalize these JavaScript and CSS codes for your site. it will make your site to stack quicker for a superior client experience. 


Try not to let stay a solitary broken connection on your page. Check these connections online and settled these issues at the earliest opportunity. 

USE ROBOTS.TXT FILE : Web design Company Bangalore

The Robots.txt record can be utilized to hinder the urls whom you would prefer not to get creped by the web indexes. 


You can utilize the .htaccess File to settled a few issues like to alter 301 mistake and to divert without www to with www url and the other way around. 

Website admin TOOLS: 

You can utilize Webmaster apparatuses to submit sitemap and some other confirmation. Website admin apparatuses are additionally helpful to know your site execution. you can likewise utilize Google Analytics for better investigation. 


Your site's route ought to be fitting and creep capable. 


Attempt to buy a space with no less than single word present identified with principle watchword. In spite of the fact that If you don't need it is not much fundamental but rather pick Hosting deliberately as site server ought to be 24X7 running. A server with a lot down time can de record a facilitated site from the list item

Friday, 17 July 2015

5 Easy And Fast Tips To Improve Your Alexa Rank

1) : Install Alexa Tool Bar On Your Browser , It Will Help You To Get Fast Information
       About Your Daily Alexa Ranking.
 Features  :

Alexa Traffic Rank  :  See The Popularity Of Any Website You Visiting.
Related Links           :  Check Sites That Are Similar To Sites You Are Visiting.
Wayback Machine   :  See How Was a Site In Past.
Search Analytics       :  Check Out Which Search Queries Drive Traffic To Site.
Load Time                 :  Average Load Time Of Site.
 Click Here To Download Alexa Tool Bar

2) : Get Alexa Rank Widget For Your Site , So It Will Show Your Visitors How Famous Site
       They Are Visiting , And It Will Help Alexa To Collect Fast Information From Your Site
       About Your Site Strength/Health , Copy Below Widgets Codes And Use In Your                                 

3) : Get Connected To Social Media Sites , Because Its Freeware Platform To Advertise Your        Blog/Site Articles , Use Social Sites Like  Facebook,Twitter And Google + To Increase Your
 Blog/Site Traffic , It Will Help You To High Your Site Alexa Rank

4) : Keep Working On Seo Of Your Site , Add Meta Tags , Search Description And Keep Building   Backlinks For Your Site Because Its Another Fast Way To High Your Alexa Rank

5) : Regularly Post Your Articles , And Keep Your Article Original Don't Copy From OtherSites And Never Spam Your Blog By Daily Multiple Articles , Post Daily 1 Or 2 Articles.

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Create Gravatar for WordPress blogs | Web Design Company Bangalore

Web Design Company Bangalore – Bangalore Web Zone 

Bangalore Web Zone is a Web Design Company Bangalore and digital marketing company based in Bangalore, India. Our Team consists of an experienced website design, website development and digital marketing.
web design company bangalore

What is Gravatar? 

Gravatar is put away by gravatar.com and it is an all inclusive perceived stage connected with the email id enlisted with wordpress.com. Having a Gravatar gives you online character crosswise over distinctive web journals. 

web development company bangalore

Ventures to Create Gravatar 

On the off chance that you need to make gravatar for your online journal you have to take after these strides.
1. You have to visit http://gravatar.com where there is Log In/Sign Up catch. You have to tap on information exchange to enroll with your email id.
2. Check your email id
3. Subsequent to taking after the connection you can transfer the Pic.
4. You will request that rate the transferred Pic.
5. You are done now 

website development company Bangalore

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

What is a XML sitemap and how do I create one? | Web Design Company Bangalore

A XML sitemap is an archive that helps Google and other significant internet searchers better comprehend your site while slithering it. 

web design company bangalore

What is a sitemap and why is it vital? 

Sitemaps are a convention that permits the website admin for a site to illuminate Google and other real web indexes about URLS on a site that are accessible for creeping.(Web Design Company Bangalore) Sitemaps permit web crawlers to discover the majority of your website pages, that they may some way or another miss when indexing. The XML sitemap permits you to determine extra data about each URL, for example, 

When it was last redesigned
How frequently the site changes 

How critical the page is in connection to different pages on the site 

Having this data inside of one record helps web indexes comprehend your site and slither it all the more brilliantly. Sitemaps are an incorporation convention, where Robots.txt documents are exclusionary. For more data on robots.txt records please read our article. 

Website redesign company bangalore

How would I create a XML sitemap? 

Producing a XML sitemap for you site is a straightforward procedure, and numerous sites can help you do as such. Google suggests utilizing http://xml-sitemaps.com
Begin by going by the connection above in your web program. On the landing page of the site you can take after the 4 simple steps they have recorded there. 


In the third stride on the site page, you'll be downloading the content document from the site to your nearby PC. (Web Development Company Bangalore)When the record is downloaded to your nearby PC you'll then need to transfer it to your archive foundation of your space. In case you're new to transferring records utilizing supervisor, please read our article. 

web development company bangalore

Comprehension Search Engines and Sitemaps 

You don't transfer your sitemap to the web crawlers. After you have transferred the sitemap to the server, you just need to present the full URL to your sitemap. After you have presented the sitemaps to the real internet searchers, whenever they creep the site they will have a superior comprehension of how your site functions. 

web design agency bangalore

Google: You should utilize your Webmaster Tools record to tell Google the full URL to your sitemap. 

Bing: Bing uses Windows Live records under the Webmaster Center segment to determine sitemaps.

Yahoo: You should sign into Yahoo! also, embed the url in the 'Submit Site food field'
On the off chance that you need further help or have further inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact our bolster office.

website development company bangalore

Tuesday, 14 July 2015


Who We Are:
Bangalore web Zone is a web site design and website development company with considerable knowledge in developing web-site and using powerful digital marketing & enterprise growth strategies for our customers. We’re professionals when it comes to marketing and advertising and technology but more important we’re zealous about using our knowledge to make your brand much better. The conclude result of performing with us is more significant brand reputation, customer total satisfaction and emotional addition, and increased profits.
Our Mission:
Our Mission is to enhance the wealth generating capability of the enterprise in a globalizing environment by exhibiting our efficiency and adopting the   innovative “more-than-enough” methodology in our work.
Our Values:
We are providing world best affordable SEO services, affordable Web Designing and Digital Marketing Services. You will wonder how we are serving you for such a low cost. As we aim to enlarge our service around the globe, we fulfill every single need of the client. We do not want to lose a client just for the cost factor. We adore our job and love to work for you!

Services Offer:
Web Design and Development:

  •  Joomla Website Development
  •  Wordpress Website Development
  •  Magento Website Development
  •  E-Commerce Website Development
  •  Drupal Web Development

Internet Marketing:

  •  Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  •  Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  •  Social Media Optimization (SMO)
  •  Responsive Mobile Design

Web Design and Development:
Joomla Website Development
Joomla Website Development is one of the world's most acclaimed programming packs used to fabricate, deal with, direct and disseminate content for destinations, online diaries, Intranets and adaptable applications. Inferable from its versatile MVC development displaying its moreover an unfathomable base to create web applications.
Wordpress Website Development
In the event that you need to manufacture an application, Word Press Website Development can help with that as well. In the engine WordPress gives a considerable measure of the highlights that your application will require, things like interpretations, client administration, HTTP asks for, databases, URL steering and much, a great deal more.
Magento Website Development:
Magento Website Development is a one of the E-commerce CMS , Its Most Popular E-commerce Template For Another One.The Magento platform can support up to 500,000 products on one site, and handle more than 80,000 orders per hour. Magento is also More Secure In this CMS has a Multiple level  of security permission

E-Commerce Website Development:
E-commerce Website Development is a Electronic Commerce is exchanging items or administrations utilizing PC systems, Using the Internet. Ecommerce permits shoppers to electronically trade products and administrations with no hindrances of time or separation. Electronic business has extended quickly in the course of recent years and is anticipated to proceed in light of current circumstances, or even quicken. Sooner rather than later the limits in the middle of "traditional" and "electronic" business will get to be progressively smudged as more organizations move segments of their operations onto the Internet.
Drupal Web Development:
Drupal Web Development is an open source content administration stage fueling a huge number of sites and applications. It's assembled, utilized, and bolstered by a dynamic and various group of individuals around the globe Drupal, then again, is a second era CMS. 

Internet Marketing:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
If you run a business then you need SEO to help improve your websites rankings within Google search results. web Development Company investigate your website and will identify problems and resolutions to these problems and make the website Google friendly and work to improve the on-page and off-page content. The end result will be lots more traffic to your website and an improved brand awareness.
Social Media Optimization (SMO):
Social Media Optimization Services (SMO) is a wonderful way of generating website popularity and connecting people together with different point of views and interests through various social media websites like online communities, blogs and forums. Internet users here meet together to discuss a certain topic, share ideas on various issues or simply express whatever they feel like.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM):
Search Engine Marketing has become a great marketing technique of today’s world. So, it is essential to adopt the search engine marketing in your business. However, it takes time to find the real Search Engine Expert in the industry. Quadra Incorp employs a great team of Search Engine Experts with a broad knowledge in Search Engine Marketing Services.
Responsive Mobile Design 
Google alludes responsive web outline as the best business rehearse for building sites. This is because of the reason that responsive site has one URL and a solitary arrangement of HTML code, notwithstanding the gadget. This makes it less complex for the web indexes to list, slither and compose the substance. Likewise, it is simpler to impart single URL and the substance on one site than the substance on numerous locales. 

Process of design and development:
Our strength
  •  Usage Of “More-Than-Enough” Strategy
  •  Best Usage And Adherence Of The Latest Technology
  •  Reliability
  •  Affordability
  •  Timely Delivery
Contact Us
                                Mr. Habeeb Mohamed
                                Head of Bangalore web Zone
                                No:43, Siddappa Building,10th Cross,
                                St Antony’s School Main Road,
                                Ramamurthy Nagar,
                                Bangalore – 560016
Whatsapp:           +91-95-9150-5948,
Office number: +91-88-8010-2111,